Stas Kurgansky Coaching LLC
Coaching Services & Consulting
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Coaching for LGBTQ+ Immigrants with Vision

Embrace Authenticity, Gain Clarity, and Find Ease as You Bring Your Vision to Life


Stas is incredibly authentic as a coach, and committed to supporting his clients. I highly recommend him!
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Beverly Jurenko Stas Kurgansky Life Coaching

Stas is incredibly authentic as a coach, and committed to supporting his clients. I highly recommend him!

Stas creates an environment where personal growth flourishes. His ability to listen attentively and understand deeply fosters a sense of trust and openness. In his presence, one feels both challenged and nurtured, encouraged to move forward with clarity.
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Christy Kelly Stas Kurgansky Life Coaching

Stas creates an environment where personal growth flourishes. His ability to listen attentively and understand deeply fosters a sense of trust and openness. In his presence, one feels both challenged and nurtured, encouraged to move forward with clarity.

A fantastic coach. He has the ability to make you face the discomfort for transformation, but with compassion and kindness. Highly recommend.
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Daniela Kuntz Stas Kurgansky Life Coaching

A fantastic coach. He has the ability to make you face the discomfort for transformation, but with compassion and kindness. Highly recommend.

Stas has been incredibly supportive in my personal journey and transformation. He is attentive and intuitive, and helped me create clear actions to move forward on my goals many times over. I really recommend Stas as a coach!
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Christy Hey Stas Kurgansky Life Coaching

Stas has been incredibly supportive in my personal journey and transformation. He is attentive and intuitive, and helped me create clear actions to move forward on my goals many times over. I really recommend Stas as a coach!

Stas Kurgansky is a phenomenal, empowering life coach, inspirational communicator and transformational writer. I've had the privilege of being coached by Stas and he has made a positive difference in my life. Using his intuitive listening skills, presence, intelligence, compassion and coaching expe
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Sherry Otis Stas Kurgansky Life Coaching

Stas Kurgansky is a phenomenal, empowering life coach, inspirational communicator and transformational writer. I've had the privilege of being coached by Stas and he has made a positive difference in my life. Using his intuitive listening skills, presence, intelligence, compassion and coaching expertise, he has helped me access clarity and perspective to find my own answers within. Stas has coached and guided me to take practical, small, yet powerful steps from a place of "being my authentic self" and moving towards my life goals and dreams. My coaching sessions with Stas always leave me feeling possibility, empowerment, creativity and a sense of accomplishment. He truly is a gifted life coach that will transform your life, help you to discover the possibilities within you, move beyond fear patterns and live the life you desire!

Stas has this phenomenal ability to create an atmosphere of safety and comfort, which makes it much easier to start a conversation even on difficult topics. He has supported me many times in tough moments, and sessions with him always gave me a lot of energy and allowed me to see my problems and cha
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Stas has this phenomenal ability to create an atmosphere of safety and comfort, which makes it much easier to start a conversation even on difficult topics. He has supported me many times in tough moments, and sessions with him always gave me a lot of energy and allowed me to see my problems and challenges in a completely different way. Stas has truly helped me to better understand myself and make better choices in my life. Thank you for all this, Stas!

How Can Coaching Support You?

My approach is rooted in principles found across both spiritual and secular traditions, ranging from ancient wisdom teachings to the latest research in neuroscience. Through coaching, I share an elegant framework of tools and practices designed to support you in living your values, realizing or discovering your vision, and confidently showing up in the world as your authentic self.

Coaching can be a fit if you are…

  • exhausted by old habits and patterns and want to break free and live the life you've always wanted;
  • at a stage where you seek clarity on what is coming next for you;
  • preparing for a significant life change outside your comfort zone;
  • in the middle of a substantial project and need support maintaining consistency and focus.

The Four Key Benefits of Coaching

  • Wisdom

    Access Your Own Wisdom

    Coaching provides a supportive environment for you to tap into your innate wisdom, so you can identify what is truly important to you and formulate clear life goals.

  • Labyrinth

    Discover What Gets in the Way

    Coaching empowers you to identify and overcome obstacles, self-imposed limitations, and outdated patterns, so you can tap into your boundless inner potential and accomplish things you previously thought were impossible.

  • Climbing

    Build Consistency with Ease

    Coaching guides you in recognizing and taking small, meaningful, and consistent steps towards your goals, so you can experience the "good tired" of a productive day, instead of the draining exhaustion of struggle.

  • Partnership

    Get a Partner Who "Gets" You

    Coaching establishes a trustful, joyous, empowering, energizing, and thought-provoking partnership, so you always have a trusted companion by your side, celebrating your successes, big and small.

Not ready for a discovery session yet, or have questions? Book a 30-minute phone call .

Do you have any questions? Book a 30-minute phone call .

About Me

Hello! My name is Stas (he/him), short for Stanislav. I moved to the US in 2015. I'm based in Los Angeles, California. I work full-time as a professional life coach.

While my background is in software and mechanical engineering and I have a keen interest in math, physics, and science, I've always been deeply passionate about personal development, growth, goal attainment, knowledge-sharing, and encouraging others.

This passion, paired with the experiences from my immigration journey, led to my decision in January 2023 to pivot from the tech industry to life coaching. I enrolled in a Coaching Training Program with the Academy for Coaching Excellence (ACE) and completed 145+ hours of rigorous training.

If you want to learn more about me, check out my interview in VoyageLA's online magazine, featured in their Inspiring Stories section: "Exploring Life & Business with Stas Kurgansky" .

I am fully committed to coaching and am on the path to earning Level 1 certification from the International Coaching Federation (ICF).

Identity & Diversity

As a proud member of the LGBTQ community & an immigrant, I love supporting individuals from diverse backgrounds, life stages & self-identities, including:

  • immigrants, expats and refugees;
  • first-gens and those who grew up in bilingual or biracial family;
  • LGBTQIA2S+ folks (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and/or questioning, intersex, asexual, two-spirit, and others);
  • BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, & people of color).

Credentials & Affiliations

Academy for Coaching Excellence Website
Internation Coaching Federation Website
National LGBTQ Chamber of Commerce Certificate
Los Angeles LGBTQ Chamber of Commerce Website

Not ready for a discovery session yet, or have questions? Book a 30-minute phone call .

Do you have any questions? Book a 30-minute phone call .

Upcoming Events

Stay tuned!


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My Stories

Not ready for a discovery session yet, or have questions? Book a 30-minute phone call .

Do you have any questions? Book a 30-minute phone call .

Packages & Rates

A simple and straightforward package that includes:

  • A 3-month initial commitment to ensure you experience tangible results.
  • Two 55-minute coaching sessions per month, available via phone or video chat.
  • Two optional 15-minute support sessions each month to keep you on track.
  • Unlimited text and email support, along with helpful tools to supplement your success.
  • A free 55-minute reflection session at the end of the commitment period to review results and reflect on progress.
  • A simple contract for maximum clarity (View my sample contract ).

Please, select the rate.


3-Month Package

This package includes a total of 6 coaching sessions over the course of 3 months, plus a reflection session at the end of the period. The investment is 3 payments of --- per month.


6-Month Package

This package includes a total of 12 coaching sessions over the course of 6 months, plus a reflection session at the end of the period. The investment is 6 payments of --- per month.


Single Session

For existing clients only. In case you need additional support, the cost is --- per session.

Book a Free Discovery Session

Here's what to expect. We'll review how coaching can support you, identify your goals, and understand your current challenges. We'll also assess if our collaboration is the right fit at this moment. If so, we'll outline the next steps and schedule future sessions.

Not ready for a discovery session yet, or have questions? Book a 30-minute phone call .


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